ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/9/13(水)トムさんのトーク他

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/9/13(水)トムさんのトーク他

(Competition among countries is intensifying when it comes to lunar exploration. Just before this news, it was announced that a Russian unmanned lunar probe also attempted to land near the moon’s south pole, but crashed into the moon’s surface and disappeared. India’s success this time is a sign that India, which is experiencing rapid economic growth, has a strong presence in the field of space exploration.)

(India is the world’s most populous country, with a population of over 1.4 billion, surpassing China. As the population increases, opportunities to listen to Indian English have increased, and it has become a hot topic that Indian English appears in the listening section of Japanese university entrance exams.)

Honestly I struggled a bit. I could get what he was saying from the context, but the unfamiliar accent made picking out individual words a little difficult.
(正直ちょっと苦戦しました。 文脈から彼が言っていることは理解できましたが、なじみのないアクセントのため、個々の単語を聞き出すのは少し困難でした。)

(There are many different pronunciations of English around the world. In order to master the English of a specific region, it is important to grasp the characteristics of each region’s pronunciation and get used to it. Please listen to English from various countries and regions as many times as possible.)
