
Former reporter traces how famous Ainu portraits wound up in France
January 2, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)

Portraits from the “Ishuretsuzo” series depicting indigenous Ainu chieftains of present-day northern Japan. (Copyright the Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology of Besancon)(Kyodo)
SAPPORO (Kyodo) — Riki Kato is on a mission to find out how a collection of famous portraits depicting indigenous Ainu chieftains of present-day northern Japan ended up on the other side of the world, in eastern France.
現在の北日本の先住民アイヌの族長を描いた「夷酋列像」シリーズの肖像画。 (著作権ブザンソン美術館・考古学博物館)(共同)

“Why did these works equivalent to national treasures end up in France?,” asks the 67-year-old former newspaper reporter, adding that he wanted Hokkaido authorities to launch an investigation into the mystery of the “Ishuretsuzo” series of paintings, which are over 140 years old.
元新聞記者の67歳の男性は、「なぜ国宝に相当する作品がフランスに流れてきたのか」と疑問を持ち、北海道当局に「夷酋列像」シリーズの謎について捜査を始めてもらいたいと付け加えた。 140年以上です。

The masterpieces were completed in 1790 by Hakyo Kakizaki, a painter and retainer of the Matsumae domain on Japan’s northernmost main island and form a series depicting 12 chieftains who helped Japanese forces suppress Ainu uprisings during the Menashi-Kunashir rebellion in 1789.
この傑作は、日本の本島最北端の松前藩士で画家の蠣崎波響によって 1790 年に完成され、1789 年のメナシ・国後反乱の際に日本軍がアイヌの反乱を鎮圧するのを助けた 12 人の族長を描いたシリーズとなっています。
