毎日新聞 The Mainichi – Retro Japan: Art museum in Kyoto designed by painter a piece of art itself

毎日新聞 The Mainichi – Retro Japan: Art museum in Kyoto designed by painter a piece of art itself
レトロな日本: 画家が設計した京都の美術館はアートそのもの

The unique, eye-catching exterior of the Kyoto Prefectural Insho-Domoto Museum of Fine Arts is seen in Kyoto’s Kita Ward on Dec. 9, 2023. (Mainichi/Ai Kawahira)=Click/tap photo for more images.
ユニークな外観が目を引く京都府立堂本印象美術館=2023年12月9日、京都市北区(時事 (毎日/川平愛)

KYOTO — From exterior walls to columns and railings, every part of an art museum in this western city’s Kita Ward, designed by a Japanese-style painter, is a piece of unique art.

exterior 外の、外側の、外部の, interior
column(s) 柱、円柱
railing(s) [réiliŋ] 手すり
