毎日新聞 The Mainichi – Teachers in central Japan pref. ask education board to reflect kids’ voices in school rules

Teachers in central Japan pref. ask education board to reflect kids’ voices in school rules

Junior high school students express their thoughts on school rules with teacher Yuji Nishimura, left, at the Gifu Prefectural Government headquarters on Feb. 5, 2024. (Mainichi/Keisuke Ota) 写真の説明

GIFU — Teachers’ organizations and others in Gifu Prefecture recently submitted a written request to the prefectural education board calling for the establishment of a system to involve students and parents in school rule reviews.

The move is an attempt to change the established notion that school rules are determined by the school and teachers and are to be followed by the children.

The request was submitted on Feb. 5 by a teachers’ group led by Yuji Nishimura, a teacher at a prefectural high school, and others. The group was motivated by a lack of interest among educators in the “general principles for children,” known as Kodomo Taiko, released by the Japanese government in 2023.

The Kodomo Taiko guidelines state that it is desirable that revisions to school rules “be made after hearing the opinions of parents and children.” In practice, however, it appears this has not been adhered to in many cases. Nishimura and others checked the official websites of prefectural high schools and found that 14% of rules could be revised only through consultations between the school and community representatives, excluding the opinions of students.

reflect 反映する
submit 提出する
involve 含む
attempt 試み
motivate 人を〕動かす、刺激する、やる気にさせる
a lack of interest 関心の欠如
release 〔情報を〕公開[公表・発表]する
state 述べる
revision(s) 改訂、改定
adhere 〔計画や約束などに対して〕着実に実行する、決心を変えない、固執する
consultation(s) 相談、話し合い
representative(s) 代表者
exclude 除く、排除する




