毎日新聞 The Mainichi – Japan city suspends day care worker for having side job at sex shop ‘to repay student loan’

毎日新聞 The Mainichi – Japan city suspends day care worker for having side job at sex shop ‘to repay student loan’
市が保育士を停職処分 風俗店で副業「学生ローン返済のため」

UTSUNOMIYA — A day care worker here was suspended on Feb. 1 for having a second job at a sex shop “to repay a student loan.”

The Utsunomiya Municipal Government suspended the woman in her 20s from her job at a municipal day care center for three months. She resigned the same day.

According to the municipal government, the woman worked the side job for a total of 69 days in the city and outside Tochigi Prefecture by taking paid leave, earning some 1.55 million yen (about $10,600) in total between April 2021 and December 2023.

An anonymous tip was provided to the city, and she admitted the fact in an interview. She apparently explained that she used the money to repay student debt and for living expenses.

suspend ~を停職(処分)にする、
repay 返金する
resigne 退職する
paid leave 有給休暇
an anonymous tip 匿名(で提供された)情報、密告
apparently 聞いた情報によると〕どうも~らしい、どうやら~らしい



