ラジオ英会話23/5/22 L31 発言タイプ:理解を深める ③ どうして(理由・目的)を尋ねる1

ラジオ英会話23/5/22 L31 発言タイプ:理解を深める ③ どうして(理由・目的)を尋ねる1
(It is a great honor to be a teacher, to be thanked by my students.)
Hey, everyone. Akino Rosa here. David, you have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?
I’m just so happy to be here.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today, okay? Here we go.

発言タイプ: 理解を深める ③ どうして(理由・目的)を尋ねる1
You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?
今回は日常頻繁に登場する、 理由 ・ 目的を尋ねる表現を学んでいきましょう。
(This time, let’s learn expressions that frequently appear in everyday life to ask the reason/purpose.)
絵画教室の講師のボブが、 生徒のサリーと話しています。
(A painting teacher, Bob, is talking to a student, Sally.)

-Words & Phrases
turn out – , (という結果)になる
It turned out to be kind of fun. ふたを開けてみたら、結構楽しかった。
so far これまでで
for a while しばらくの間

Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. So let’s get ready.
Today, we want to pay special attention to tone. Okay, guys?
All right. Let’s practice. Here’s the first.
I wonder why.
One more time now.
I wonder why.
Next example.
I don’t want to marry you.
Why not?
Do you hear my tone there? Let’s try that one more time.
