英会話 time trial 23/5/22 D11 スウェーデンには赤毛のリスがいます

英会話 time trial 23/5/22 D11 スウェーデンには赤毛のリスがいます
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 6 for the month of April.
Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to a new week of -.

Swedish Natural Beauty

Hello, everyone. I’m Janni Olsson. And hello to Jenny and Steve. This week let’s talk about animals. And on Friday you and I will go birdwatching in Swedish countryside. See you on Friday.
Thanks, Janni.
Do you like flowers? In Europe we have so many beautiful flowers in sprint. Let’s talk about flowers on Friday, OK?

Thanks, Janni.
What kind of animals will you see?
ツルやトナカイ、 ヘラジカなど、 スウェーデンならではの動物について文を作ってみましょう。
(There is a red-haired squirrel in Sweden.
Make sentences about Swedish animals such as cranes, reindeer and elk.)
-Let’s begin with our first time trial.
How do you say that in English? Go ahead.
The answer is crane. cranes
1. ツルが見えますか?
Can you -?
the origami crane
3. 折り鶴の作り方を知っていますか?
Do you know -?
4. トナカイ
6. トナカイを見ると、 クリスマスを連想します。
When I see -.
7. リス
