英会話 time trial23/9/15(金) D10 ハリケーンに備えて非常用品を買いそろえよう

英会話 time trial23/9/15(金) D10 ハリケーンに備えて非常用品を買いそろえよう
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 10 for the month of June.
Thanks for joining us.
Across The Globe!

That’s right. I’m back in Florida with you.
You and Jenny will have a conversation. Just reply in your own words.
So imagine this.
You and I are at grocery store in Florida.
A lot of people are shopping today. They’re buying emergency supplies.
I’ll ask you about hurricane.
What kind of emergency supplies should we get?
So have a 7-turn conversation with me as we prepare for a hurricane?
Ready, start.

ハリケーンに備えて、 たくさんの人がスーパーへ買い物に来ています。
(Many people are shopping at the supermarket in preparation for the .)
いつ、どこにハリケーンが来るか、 情報を友人と共有しましょう
(Share information with your friends about when and where hurricanes will arrive.)
万が一に備えて、 非常用品を買いそろえましょう
(Stock up on emergency supplies just in case)
Emergency Supplies
(Stock up on emergency supplies in preparation for a hurricane)

1. Lots of people are shopping today. A hurricane is approaching Florida, right?
