23/11/27 Rachel English – 😲 This weekend only(2): insane sale price…the Academy is 87% off 😲

23/11/27 Rachel English – 😲 This weekend only(2): insane sale price…the Academy is 87% off 😲

Like I wasn’t able to articulate words properly
and it’s hard to get the idea across to my friends
or colleagues.
But I think after I’ve took (taken) on Rachel’s English Academy
for about a month
then I noticed that my uh, pronunciation skills improved
I would say tremendously.
especially after I learned about the lowest placements.
So before I took on Rachel’s English.
I took many other English classes.
quite a few actually,
and nobody talks about lower placements.
So after I learned about this,
this skills is,
I can say it’s very, very, very useful.

articulate 〔言葉を〕はっきりと発音する
[US]《形》ɑrtíkjəlet 《動》ɑrtíkjəleit | [UK]《形》ɑːtíkjulit 《動》ɑːtíkjuleit
placement(s) 配置、配列、席順、〔生徒の習熟度などに応じた〕クラス分け
tremendously 途方もなく、ものすごく
