英会話 feel English 23/10/26(木) the only thing –

英会話 feel English 23/10/26(木) the only thing –

the only thing 「ただ1つのこと」ですが、ビックリするようなおもしろい表現を作ります。
-Phrase Rank No.172
「唯一の例外は・・・」と言いたいときのthe only thing
Emily tells Paul about her travel abroad.
(Emily tells Paul about her experience traveling abroad.)

not anything

So, how was your trip?
It was great! The only thing was the food.

The only thing was the food.

-Feel English! 2
「それ以外できないわけ?」 と非難したいときの Is that the only thing you …?
Thelma and Emily are out hiking. They’re on the top of a hill looking at the beautiful scenery.

ハイキングにやってきたテルマとエミリーが、 丘の上から美しい景色を眺めています。
(Thelma and Emily are hiking and looking at the beautiful scenery from the top of the hill.)

go hiking
my thoughts 私が思っていること

This is so beautiful. We should go hiking more often.
Yeah, so, what are we having for dinner?
Is that the only thing you think about?
