英会話 feel English 23/9/26(火) L94 I want to -.

英会話 feel English 23/9/26(火) L94 I want to -.
I want to は学校で習う超基本。
(Let’s try the basics and applications of how to use it!)
-Feel English! 1
Phrase Rank No.25
家族や友達に「・・・したい」と言いたいときの I want to …
Emily and Paul talk about a newly opened French restaurant. That’s all the buzz.
(Emily and Paul are talking about a hot restaurant that recently opened.)

No way!

Have you heard about that new French restaurant?
Actually, I have a reservation there on Friday.
No way! I want to go with you.

I want to go with you.

エミリーは、気になっていた新しいフランス料理の店にポールが金曜日に行くと知って、「うそ~! 私も行きたい」
(When Emily learns that Paul is going to a new French restaurant that she’s been interested in on Friday, she says, “Oh no! I want to go too.”)

-Feel English! 2
「知りたい」「伝えたい」ときの I wanted to…
Thelma and Emily are back home from a party, and Thalma met a guy she, kind of, likes
(kind of, ちょっと、なんか)
パーティーから帰ってきた2人。 テルマには、 気になった男性がいたのですが……。
(The two of them came back from the party. There was a man that Thelma was interested in…)

What’s up?
boyfriend material いい彼氏になるタイプ
material 材料、素材、器
