英会話 feel English 23/9/27(水) L95 Do you know -?

英会話 feel English 23/9/27(水) L95 Do you know -?
Do you know のあとに wh-疑問文が続くフレーズは、いきなり聞くのとどう違うのでしょう?
(How is it different from hearing it out of the blue?)
wh-疑問文 what, who where, when, why, how
-Feel English! 1
相手を会話に引き込みたいときのDo you know + wh語
Thelma comes home from work in the evening.
夕方、 テルマが仕事から帰ってきました。
(In the evening, Thelma came home from work.)

be married with –
go by 過ぎる

How was your day?
Fine. Oh! Do you know who I met today? Kim!

Do you know who I met today?

So, Hiroto. Do you know what we’re going to do next?

Please repeat after me.
Oh! Do you know who I met today? Kim!

-Feel English! 2
情報を教えてもらいたいときの Do you know + wh
Emily hosted a party at her house and asks Paul to help her clean up.
エミリーの家でのホームパーティーのあと、 ポールが片付けを手伝います。
(After a house party at Emily’s house, Paul helps clean up.)

help 人 動詞の原形
Just kidding.

Do you know whose gloves these are?
この手袋、 誰のかわかる?
