基礎英語1 23/4/18 L12 ぼくはショウタ

基礎英語1 23/4/18 L12 ぼくはショウタ
It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have lots of fun.
And improve our English.
Let’s get started.

How was the last episode, everyone?
Kent said
She said,
Then she
Now let’s start today’s lesson.

-First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea. Today’s Scene
(Fiona enters the rehearsal room and watches the rehearsal.)
すると突然、 とてもかっこいい練習生に声をかけられました。
(Then, suddenly, a very cool trainee called out to me.)

-Next find the answer to the question. Second Listening
Q). ショウタはフィオナに何と質問しましたか? 日本語で答えましょう。
(What did Shota ask Fiona? Answer in Japanese.)

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember. Don’t look at your textbook.

Now let’s check the answer.
Good job.
-Tell Me More 「いいね!」「すてき!」 cool
