基礎英語2 23/10/10(火) Oct. W2-D2 Sansha-mendan Meeting

基礎英語2 23/10/10(火) Oct. W2-D2 Sansha-mendan Meeting
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

October Week 2-Sansha-mendan Meeting Day2
陽菜がレオに話しかけます。(Hina talks to Leo.)
-First Listen
Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
(Who is Hina worried about?)

-Words & Phrases
earlier さっき early – earlier – earliest
get along with -, 〜とうまくやる
surprising 意外な、おどろくべき
good grades よい成績
complain 不満を言う、愚痴をこぼす ( → Today’s Word)
supportive 協力的な

-Second Listen
Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1. Is Haruna getting along with her father?
2. What is Leo’s advice to Haruna?

Answers to the questions. Second Listen
1 No, she’s not getting along with her father. [No, she isn’t.)
2 His advice is to tell her father how she feels.
(レオのアドバイスは、 お父さんに自分が感じていることを話すということです。)

-Repeating Practice
Listen carefully and repeat. Okay, listeners, are you ready?
