基礎英語2 23/4/12 W2-D3 most favorite ??

基礎英語2 23/4/12 W2-D3 most favorite ??
(いちばん好きなものを意味するので (x) the most favorite とは言わないのが正しいとされています。)とありますが、検索してみると、

Language and logic do not always go hand in hand. Most favorite and least favorite are both commonly used by native speakers. The way favorite and unique are used by people who have better things to do than worry about the minutiae of grammar is closer to a hyperbole than a logical statement about something. Just because people say something is their favorite doesn’t necessarily mean it is literally their favorite.
However, you should always err on the side of caution and avoid expressions that may be controversial to some people. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend using most favorite in a formal context.
When in doubt, rephrase it.
Instead of saying:
Recess and lunch were my favorite subjects, but lunch was my most favorite.
You can simply say:
Recess and lunch were my preferred subjects, but lunch was my favorite.

言語と論理は必ずしも相容れない。Most favoriteとleast favoriteは、どちらもネイティブスピーカーがよく使う言葉です。文法の細かいことを気にするよりもやることがある人たちが使うfavoriteやuniqueは、何かを論理的に説明するというよりは、誇張表現に近いものです。人が何かをお気に入りだと言ったからといって、必ずしもそれが文字通りお気に入りであるとは限りません。
しかし、人によっては物議を醸す可能性のある表現は、常に慎重な側に立ち、避けるべきでしょう。フォーマルな場面でmost favoriteを使うのは必ずしもお勧めしません。
