基礎英語2 23/6/15 L49 W2-D4 Shopping in Harajuku

基礎英語2 23/6/15 L49 W2-D4 Shopping in Harajuku
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

June Week 2 – Shopping in Harajuku Day 4
陽菜とジェニーは、 かわいい雑貨を売っているお店にいます。
(Hina and Jenny are at a shop that sells cute miscellaneous goods.)

-First Listen
Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
ジェニーは友だちに、 何のためのプレゼントを買おうとしていますか?
(What is Jenny trying to buy her friend as a gift for?)j

-Words & Phrases
spend (お金)を使う、(時間)を過ごす spend-spent-spent
, right?
trendy 最新の流行の (Today’s Word)
sales clerk 店員
in style 流行して、 かっこいい

-Second Listen
Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 How much does Jenny want to spend?
2 What does Jenny want to know?

-Repeating Practice
Listen carefully and repeat.
Okay, listeners. Are you ready?

Great job!

-The Target いくら(金額、量や重さなど)〜 How much + 疑問文の形?
How much / do you want to spend? //
いくら/ あなたは使いたいの // (あなたはいくら使いたいのですか 〔予算はいくらくらいですか〕?)
