中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/15(水)T16-D3 Should you follow your dream or be realistic?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/15(水)T16-D3 Should you follow your dream or be realistic?
Topic 16
Should you follow your dream or be realistic? Day 3
イラストを見ながら、 今週のダイアログを聴いて、 Ken の考えを詳しくみていきましょう。
Q1. When Mika tells Ken her dream, he says, “That’s… a lot. But… wow!” What do you think he means?
Q2. What does Ken think will happen if someone is not realistic?
Q3. Do you think Mika’s dream is realistic? Why do you think so?
-What would you say?
今週のトピックについて、 英語で話すために役立つフレーズとさまざまな言い換え例をご紹介します。
Topic: Should you follow your dream or be realistic?
→ 「現実的になるほうがいいと思う場合」 に使えるフレーズをご紹介します。 You should be realistic. に続けて言ってみましょう。
It’s best to be realistic.
Know your limits.
=Know what you really can do and what you really cannot do.
Keep your feet on the ground.
= Be realistic and practical.

-学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Should you follow your dream or be realistic?

-Open-ended Question
Do you think it’s better to have one goal or many goals?解答例は 124ページ

go well
to move right ahead, to go smoothly
the very end
the last part, the last moment
have a hard time
to be in a difficult situation, to have a lot of worries
work out
to happen, develop, or end in a successful way

Now, let’s find out more about Ken’s thoughts. We’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first one: When Mika tells Ken her dream, he says, “That’s… a lot. But… wow!” What do you think he means?
He says, “That’s… a lot. But… wow!” What do you think he means?
I think Ken wants to say everything is difficult.
Mm-hmm. “That’s a lot” means it’s difficult to do so many things. Okay. Let’s listen to what Ken said.

So, the answer is: He means Mika wants to do a lot of things, but he thinks it’s great. Riku, I think the first part – “That’s… a lot” – your answer was very good there. “It’s a lot to do. That’s difficult.” The second part – “But… wow!” – maybe this part is “That’s great! Wonderful! You want to do so many things!” Good answer.
All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer in two parts. “He means Mika wants to do a lot of things,” “but he thinks it’s great.”
Good job.
Now, let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

So, here’s the question: What does Ken think will happen if someone is not realistic?
What does Ken think will happen if someone is not realistic?
Ken think will spend his life feeling disappointed.
Ken thinks… who?
Ken thinks you will spend your life feeling disappointed.
Very nice. That’s very good.
Oh, good answer.
Let’s check. The question was: What does Ken think will happen if someone is not realistic? And the answer is: They’ll spend their life feeling disappointed. It’s possible to say: You’ll spend your life feeling disappointed. Here, “you” means “anyone,” “everyone.”
All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer like this: They’ll spend their life feeling disappointed.
Good job.
Ken thinks that if you set your goals too high, you might not be able to reach them. Then you would feel
very disappointed.
Right. Mika says she wants to be a lawyer, a TV newscaster, and make documentary films. She has three goals. So, here’s the next question: Do you think’ Mika’s dream is realistic? Why do you think so?
Do you think’ Mika’s dream is realistic? Why do you think so?
I think everything is difficult. But one thing is realistic.
Because Mika is serious.
Yeah. To do everything is difficult. But to do one thing is realistic. Yeah? Okay.

-What would you say?
Today, let’s look at ways to answer if you think you should be realistic. In the dialogue, Ken says…
“It’s best to be realistic.”
“It’s best to be realistic” means “The best thing to choose is something that you’re sure you can really get.”
Yeah. He
