中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/11,18(金) T10-D5 Which kind of video do you prefer, educational or entertaining?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/11,18(金) T10-D5 Which kind of video do you prefer, educational or entertaining?

今週のダイアログを、 自然な速さで聴きましょう。(Listen to this week’s dialogue at natural speed.)
(Listen to the summary of the dialogue and make a note of the key words.)
Mika thinks the club’s video should be ( ). The whole ( ) will see it, so it’s a chance to ( ) and ( ) a lot of people. In her opinion, Taiga’s decision is not ( ). Mika wants a ( ).

Taiga thinks the club’s video should be ( ), like most ( ) movies. He likes videos that are ( ) and ( ). Plus, it’s his ( ) year in high school, and he wants to do something ( ).

-Conversation Tips
ダイアログから、会話に役立つ表現をご紹介します。(From the dialogue, we will introduce useful expressions for conversation.)
Go ahead.
→相手に「どうぞ」と、 発言や行動を促すときに使える表現です。
“Is it okay if I open the window?” “Go ahead.”

-Useful Expressions
An educational video teaches you something.
Educational videos help people.
I think if an educational video is really good, it will also be entertaining.
Most popular movies are entertaining. I want to see something fun and exciting.

free throw
a chance to take a shot due to an opponent’s foul
in a row
something happens in the same way one after another
failure, not success
thriller movies
movies with an exciting story, often about crime
the entire duration
the whole time
to take part in, have to do with
that is our wish for you
=that is what we want for you

Now, here’s a quick summary of Mika’s and Taiga’s thoughts. Try to write down the main points of what
Mika and Taiga say.
Mika thinks the club’s video should be educational.
The whole school will see it, so it’s a chance to teach and help a lot of people. In her opinion, Taiga’s decision is not fair. Mika wants a vote.
Taiga thinks the club’s video should be entertaining, like most popular movies. He likes videos that are fun and exciting. Plus, it’s his last year in high school, and he wants to do something wild.

-Conversation Tips
Today, let’s talk about the phrase: Go ahead.
In the dialogue, Mika says to Taiga, “You haven’t even heard my idea.”
And Taiga responds, “Okay. Go ahead.”
Here, the expression, “Go ahead” means “It’s okay if you do that,” or “Please continue.”
Yes. It’s a way of telling someone to start doing something or to continue doing something.
Right. For example, if we start talking at the same time, one of us might say, “Oh, please go ahead,” meaning
“It’s okay if you go first.” Shall we try that?
Mm, sure.
Okay. It’s a very useful…
Or if someone asks…
Oh, I’m sorry. Go ahead.
Thank you. I was going to say, if someone asks to do something – for example, “Is it okay if I open the window?” – the other person might say, “Go ahead.”
Good example. Here, “Go ahead” means “Yes, it’s okay to open the window.”
Riku, do you have any questions?
No, I don’t.
Then, can we begin the “One-on-one Training”?
Sure, go ahead.
Great job.
Nice one.
