中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/9/4, 9月のことば September Greeting from Gary-sensei

September Greeting from Gary-sensei
This month, Ken tries to tell Saki that he likes her. Instead, he tells her, “I’m a cat person.” Saki replies, “I’m a dog person.”
“I’m a cat person” means, “I like cats.” “I’m a dog person” means, “I like dogs.”
But being a cat person or a dog person may say more about you than whether you prefer cats or dogs. Some people think that these names reveal your true nature.
So, what are said to be the natures of a cat person and a dog person?
Research suggests that a cat person tends to be more creative than a dog person. A cat person may be more open to new things. A dog person, on the other hand, is thought to be more positive and have more energy than a cat person.
In general, a cat person likes being indoors, while a dog person prefers being outdoors. A cat person may be more private and enjoy using the mind,
while a dog person might be more social and prefer using the body.
You can be a cat person or a dog person even if you don’t have a cat or dog. Many people think of themselves as both a cat person and a dog person, or as neither. And, of course, many people have natures that mix qualities from both sides.
There is so much more to any person than can be summed up in a name. Ken shouldn’t let a name stop him from making a friend.
Neither should you!
Gary Scott Fine
(今月、ケンはサキに好きだと伝えようとする。サキは「僕は犬派だよ」と答える。サキは “I’m a dog person. “と答える。
「I’m a cat person “は「猫が好き」という意味だ。「犬派」というのは「犬が好き」という意味だ。
