英会話 time trial23/9/4(月) D1 非常口はこちらです

英会話 time trial23/9/4(月) D1 非常口はこちらです
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 1 for the month of September.
Thanks for joining us.

Welcome to a new month of -.
Florida in the U.S.
And Jenny has some special memories of Florida. You used to work there, right?
That’s right. Steve. I worked in Florida for around 7 years.
Jenny was a singer at a big amusement park.

Prepare for Emergencies in Florida
(Although Florida is warm throughout the year, it is also prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods.)
(This month, let’s learn expressions related to disaster prevention and be able to use them in actual conversations.)
Florida is a perfect place to learn about natural disasters
And prepare.
(This time we will take up expressions related to natural disasters.)
Let’s begin with our first time trial.
The emergency exit is this way.
「緊急」 や 「非常」 を英語で表現しましょう。
Let’s express “urgent” and “emergency” in English.

1. 地震がありました。
There was an earthquake.
2. 事故がありました。
3. 台風が通過しました。
通過しました、passed over, went by などももちろん言えますが、この There was -.は便利です。
4. 大雨
heavy rain
strong rain, a lot of rain などももちろん通じます。しかし広く通じるのは
