ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/11/10(金) 関連記事-太宰府天満宮で合格祈願大祭

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/11/10(金) 関連記事-太宰府天満宮で合格祈願大祭

Students preparing for entrance exams take part in Shinto shrine ritual

Students preparing to take school entrance examinations next spring are visiting a Shinto shrine, which honors the god of learning, to receive blessings.

Dazaifu Tenmangu is located in southwestern Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture. It enshrines Sugawara-no-Michizane, an aristocrat who lived from the 9th through the 10th centuries. The shrine holds a major ritual every year on October 18, the day on which Sugawara-no-Michizane became a scholar of the highest rank.
太宰府天満宮は日本の南西部、福岡県にあります。 9世紀から10世紀にかけて生きた貴族、菅原道真公を祀っています。 神社では毎年、菅原道真が最高位の学者となった10月18日に大神事が執り行われます。

The event serves as a special occasion to pray for the success of those who will take school entrance exams.

On Wednesday, about 350 students from the prefecture and elsewhere took part in the rite, along with their families. They prayed for success.
水曜日には県内などから学生や家族ら約350人が式典に参加した。 彼らは成功を祈りました。

A third-year high school student said he prayed to the god. He said he now feels that he is likely to pass the exam.
高校3年生は神様に祈ったという。 彼は今、試験に合格する可能性が高いと感じていると述べた。

Throughout the month, the shrine’s tower gate is decorated with images of carps and a dragon. The images are based on an ancient Chinese legend about a gateway to success. Worshipers are allowed to pass through the gate and pray that they will pass their examinations.

神社の楼門は、毎月を通じて鯉や龍の絵で飾られます。 これらの画像は、成功への登竜門に関する古代中国の伝説に基づいています。 参拝者はこの門をくぐり、試験の合格を祈願します。)
