ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/9/15(金) トムさんのトーク、余った不織布 型紙用に販売

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/9/15(金) トムさんのトーク、余った不織布 型紙用に販売

The company bought enough nonwoven fabric to make about 15,000 protective suits. That is because the material is ideal for making sewing patterns.

I don’t know much about sewing. A sewing patterns is important.
型紙は大切です。服のパーツの実物大の形を紙に書くなどした、いわば服の設計図なんですね。これを布に当てて同じ形、型をとるものなんです。服やバッグなどを作るときなどにこれはとっても大切になるのです。(he pattern is important. It’s basically a blueprint for the clothes, with the actual size shapes of the parts of the clothes drawn on paper. This is applied to cloth to create the same shape. This is very important when making clothes, bags, etc.)
I see you learn something new every day.

Precisely, here’s the sentence with the “if -” part included, one more time.

Mmm. This one is a bit tricky, but here is one from my life. If I hadn’t decided to study Japanese in college, I probably wouldn’t have come to Japan.

(If Tom had told me in advance what he said in English, I would have been able to translate it better.)

Keep up the good work.
See you next time.
