ラジオビジネス英語 10/26,23/4/27 L16 セミナーの感想を伝える

ラジオビジネス英語 10/26,23/4/27 L16 セミナーの感想を伝える
clear and concise
今月のテーマ メールで信頼関係を築く
Let’s learn how to write e-mails in English together.
-Step 1 Today’s Email
(Risa looks back on her training and is about to send an email to Emily to thank her and convey her impressions.)
1). アンケートは別途提出したが、 ひと言お礼を申し上げたい。
2). ボルドーワインとイングランドの関係、ワインの歴史の深さ、 WCS の果たした役割に感銘を受けた。 WCS の社員としての自覚を持つきっかけになった。
3). 一日も早く戦力になりたい。
(What to include in your email
1). I submitted the questionnaire separately, but I would like to say a few words of thanks.
2). I was impressed by the relationship between Bordeaux wine and England, the depth of wine history, and the role played by WCS. It was an opportunity for me to become aware of myself as an employee of WCS.
3). I want to become a force as soon as possible.

What to include in your email
1). I submitted the questionnaire separately, but I would like to thank you for your time.
2). I was impressed by the relationship between Bordeaux wines and England, the depth of wine history, and the role played by WCS. It gave me a chance to be aware of myself as an employee of WCS.
3). I want to be an asset to the company as soon as possible.)

Points to Check
How should I write about what impressed me?
How would you describe your desire to become a force?

OK.  Let’s take a look at today’s email.
