ラジオ英会話 23/11/9(木) L144発言タイプ: 可能性 ④可能性がある・ありえる

ラジオ英会話 23/11/9(木) L144発言タイプ: 可能性 ④可能性がある・ありえる
(A nostalgic series. When I was in middle school, my bag was packed with all the preparations for club activities and textbooks, and it was very heavy. However, it was extremely heavy, so I had to hold onto the front of the collar while going to school. I went to school dressed like that, so the second button came off. The girl in my class said to me, “Who are you?” Do you know what I mean?)

Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. Okay, everyone. Let’s get started.

L144発言タイプ: 可能性 ④可能性がある・ありえる
Do you think it’s possible that I’ll meet my sales goals?
手相占い師のヒロコのところに、営業担当になったばかりのリンタロウがやってきました。 売れないから占いに来たのですね。(Rintaro, who has just become a sales representative, comes to Hiroko, a palm reader. He came to tell fortunes because he couldn’t sell.

-Words & Phrases
palm reader 手相占い師
say , ~には・・・ と書いてある
-related 〜に関連した
specialty 専門、得意とすること
meet a goal 目標を達成する

All right. Let’s jump into today’s practice. These phrases talk about “likelihood” and “probability” yet again. So, let’s get to it.
