ラジオ英会話 23/4/10 L6 配慮

ラジオ英会話 23/4/10 L6 配慮
Hey, everyone. This is Barba barba barba Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. Sensei, do you go to the gym?
Yes. Twice a week.
I’m thinking about starting myself.
Oh! That’s good for your health.
Yeah, just don’t follow after Onishi sensei’s way of eating a lot of snacks after his gym session. You won’t get healthy that way.
Why do you know that?

会話の原則 ⑤: HAIRYO 配慮
I don’t mean to bother you, but could you tell me how to use them?

ダイエットのためにジムに来ているヨシ。 近くにいる女性にマシンの使い方を尋ねます。 その女性はなんとあの・・・・・・!
Yoshi comes to the gym to lose weight. He asks a woman nearby how to use the machines. The woman is that…
-Words & Phrases
be good at -ing
I don’t mean to –
bother 迷惑をかける
hold on (そのまま少し) 待つ
a variety of – 様々な〜
recommend すすめる
Is that all?
climb 登ること、傾斜
have fun 楽しむ
No problem.
Have fun.

Okay, everyone. Are you ready to practice 配慮 phrases?
All right, then. Let’s begin. Here’s the first one.
I’m sorry, but could you show me the way to the station, please?
Now let’s try with “Excuse me.”
