ラジオ英会話 23/6/16 L50 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 23/6/16 L50 今週の Review
Hey guys, this is Akino Roza. Welcome back, it’s time for the review, review, review
Hi everyone. I’m David Evans. I can’t wait to review this week’s lessons. Let’s go.
-Listening Challenge!
(Listen to dialogue and answer questions
During the broadcast, an English question and three choices will be played on the content of this week’s dialogue. Listen to and answer the dialogues, questions and choices. Questions, options, and answers will be published in the next month’s text. Let’s start by listening.)

OK guys, here is the question. Q1). What did Thomas not do during his stay in Japan?
a). Enjoy bike rides.
b). Go to Asakusa.
c). Make kaminari okoshi.
Here we go.
Make kaminari okoshi.

Roger. What made Casper’s video chanel better?
a). He had an offline meeting with the woman.
b). Alexis gave him some advice.
c). He took a video making class.
Listen up.

-Say It in English
1). あなたは上野駅で途方に暮れている外国人旅行者から話しかけられました。切符を確認して正しいプラットホームまでつき添いましょう。
(You were approached by a bewildered foreign tourist at Ueno Station. Check your ticket and escort you to the correct platform.)

「切符を見せて。 新幹線で名古屋に行きたいのですね? まず山手線で東京駅に行く必要があります。 この駅はちょっと複雑ですから、 プラットホームまで案内させてください」
複雑な complicated
