ラジオ英会話 23/7/19(水) L73 発言タイプ:指示 警告する

ラジオ英会話 23/7/19(水) L73 発言タイプ:指示 警告する

(Useless Hiroto AI series. Hiroto AI automatically generates answers.)
(You did a psychological test. And the first animal I met in the forest was a bear.)
(Run away)
That’s all?
That’s all.

Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. You guys and your puns, I can’t bear it.
I’m warning you. If you don’t change your eating habits, there will be big problems later.
「警告」も、注意の延長線上。 好ましくない事態を事前に回避するための重要な表現を学びます。
(“Warning” is also an extension of caution. Learn important expressions to avoid unpleasant situations in advance.)
会社員のジェレミーが、 健康診断の結果を掛かりつけ医から聞いています。緊張しますよね、この状況。
(Jeremy, an office worker, is listening to the results of a physical examination from his family doctor. This situation makes me nervous.)

-Words & Phrases
have a seat
absolutely まったく、絶対に
cholesterol level コレステロール値
can’t stop -ing
snack 間食をとる
go on a diet ダイエットを始める
laughing matter

Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. This first batch will be the warning and the condition. So, let’s practice just those first. Here we go! ひとまとまり batch
