ラジオ英会話 23/8/21(月) L91 発言タイプ: 引き出す ⑨ 行動の是非を問う

ラジオ英会話 23/8/21(月) L91 発言タイプ: 引き出す ⑨ 行動の是非を問う
What’s next after ABC?
OK, what next?
Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s get ready to go.
Let’s do our best again this week.
What do you think of me taking a cooking class?
自分のこれからの行動について、 相手からその是非を引き出すタイプの疑問文を練習しましょう。「車買おうと思うんだけど、どう思う?」というよくある流れですよ。(Practice the type of interrogative sentences that elicit pros and cons from the other person about your future actions. “I’m thinking of buying a car, what do you think?”)

ロキシーと父親が夕食について話しています。 イギリスからおじいさんとおばあさんが来ることになっているようですね。(Roxy and her father are talking about dinner. It seems that an old man and an old woman are coming from England.)

-Words & Phrases
have to do with -, ~と関係がある
keep – clean
love that

Okay guys. It’s time to practice.
Here we go. With these sentences, we have two parts. One, this is my plan. This is my idea. And the second, double check question.
Now a few times in the past, you’ve heard David mention that you should try to remember certain phrases as blocks, as chunks, okay?
Here’s our first.
I’m going to invest in some cryptocurrency. What do you think?
