ラジオ英会話 23/8/3 (木) L84 発言タイプ:引き出す④ 「印象・感想」を引き

ラジオ英会話 23/8/3 (木) L84 発言タイプ:引き出す④ 「印象・感想」を引き
Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today! Okay!
What do you make of him?
「〜はどうでした?」 一 印象・感想を尋ねるのは、会話を盛り上げる常道です。
(Asking for impressions and impressions is a common way to liven up conversations.)

同僚のヤヨイとジョナスが、 新入社員の印象を話し合っています。
(Colleagues Yayoi and Jonas are discussing their impressions of a new employee.)

-Words & Phrases
make of him –
ambitious 意欲的な、 野心的な
Why don’t you – ? (提案で)~したらどうですか?
ask + 人 + out for -, 〜:(人を)〜に誘う

Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. I’d like you to focus on the melody of these sentences. So, how do you like Japan? Keep that in mind.
That’s right. Don’t settle for just the words. Master the melody and the rhythm as well. Listeners, be ambitious. Here we go!
How do you like living in Japan?
Let’s go one more time.
How do you like living in Japan?
Feel the melody there? Let’s try another.
How did you like the movie?
How did you like the movie?
Great melody, David. Okay, let’s continue.
