ラジオ英会話 23/9/21(木) L114 発言タイプ: 行動の変更をうながす ⑧ 身から出たさび

ラジオ英会話 23/9/21(木) L114 発言タイプ: 行動の変更をうながす ⑧ 身から出たさび
Linda, Linda, Linda
What is it?
That’s the rust that came out of my head. No. It’s the chorus of the song.
Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. Ugh! You guys have got me feeling blue.

発言タイプ: 行動の変更をうながす⑧
You had it coming. 当然の報いを受ける
You asked for it. 自分で招いたことだ
You deserve it. それはあなたにふさわしい

「それは身から出たさびだよ」 という表現を学びます。 決して気持ちのいい状況ではありませんが、よくありますよね、そう言いたくなること。
(Learn the expression, “それは身から出たさびだよ” It’s not a pleasant situation, but it happens often, and you want to say that.)

(At the American laboratory where the alien Zeitkus escaped, a scientist asks the guard who was watching him about the circumstances of his disappearance.)

-Words & Phrases
on duty 勤務中
laboratory 研究所
exactly 具体的に、正確に
hungry for -, 〜に飢えている
look for -, wait for –
was gone
see – coming (悪いことが)起こるのを予測する

OK everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. These are some useful phrases, so, let’s master them together, OK?
Try to memorize these phrases in chunks, so you can use them at hand.
All right. Here we go.
You were asking for trouble.
You were asking for it.
