English with Kayla – How advanced is your English?

English with Kayla – How advanced is your English?

How advanced is your English?
Let’s see if you know these three phrases.
1). What does it mean to be second to none?
It means that you are the best.

2). What does it mean to be sharp as a tack?
It means that you are very smart.

3). And what does it mean to have a lot on your plate?
this is not very literal it’s an idiom.
It means that you are very busy in life.

Comment below how many of these idioms you already knew.

advanced 進歩した
second to none 誰にも負けない、誰に対しても二番目ではない
tack 画びょう、
s sharp as a tack
《be ~》鋭い知性の持ち主だ、とても鋭敏だ[頭が良い]
plate 皿
literal 文字通りの
a lot on your plate 「お皿にたくさん載っている」
