23/11/22 Rachel English – Have you heard? 🥳 Right now the Academy is just $5 for the first month. 🥳

23/11/22 Rachel English – Have you heard? 🥳 Right now the Academy is just $5 for the first month. 🥳

Today we’re kicking off our Black Friday sale,
a few days early.
Get your first month of Rachel’s English Academy for just $5.
If you’re serious about improving your Amercican accent,
to speak English more naturally,
and with more confidence.
This is it.
There is no better place
to work on your oral communication skills
than immersed in these courses.
Listen to what my real,
actual students have to say about the Academy.
I can say from my own experience
that this is the best decision
you can make
if you really want to improve your American accent
for many reasons.
At the end of each lesson,
there is a challenge where you post a video,
and one of the teachers
will reply to your video with another video –
telling you exactly the things that you did right
and the things that you need to improve.
This is amazing.
You can’t find this at any place on the internet.
I believe that my American accent
has been improved a lot since I joined the Academy.

kick off -, 〔試合・イベント・仕事・会議など〕始まる、始める、開始する
work on -, 〔制作・開発・実現・改善・調整・修理など〕に取り組む
immerse ~を液体に〕つける、浸す、〔人を〕没頭[熱中]させる
experience 体験、経験
challenge 〔能力を試される〕課題、仕事
reply 返答する、返事をする
improve 改善する
