Rachel English – Words that Lower Expectations ⬇️

Rachel English – Words that Lower Expectations ⬇️

We’re heading to a donut shop with high expectations
Let’s explore words to lower expectations
If you went to Disney World last year
and had the time of your life
and now you’re going back.
you probably have pretty high expectations.
So we decided to lower out expectations.
We’re gonna oome up with a bunch of ways to say
the donuts just aren’t that good.

So Daivid said, we’re gonna talk ‘em down.
we’e going to talk them down
How do we talk them down?
These donuts are kind of stale.
You do not want that in a pastry.
It’s a few days old.
You want the opposite.
What else?
Well, they’re just they’re average.
Not terrible, but not very good.
If you’re selling something,
this is not what you want people to say about it.
You want them to give it a glowing review.
That is to say how much they loved it.

talk down 〔人を〕言い負かす、説き伏せる
stale 〔飲食物などが〕新鮮でない
ペ(ー)ストリー, 生地◆小麦粉、砂糖、牛乳、バター、ショートニング、ベーキング・パウダーから作るが、卵を加える場合もある
Ew おえ(っ)、うわ、げっ◆生理的嫌悪感
