Rachel English – Pottering Around (phrasal verb) 🚶🏻‍♂️🏚

Rachel English – Pottering Around (phrasal verb) 🚶🏻‍♂️🏚

I was reading an article recently.
when I came across the phrase, ‘pottering around,’
and I was like, whoa,
I’m 44 years old,
and I have never heard this phrase before.
I’ve heard ‘pottering around,’
So I thought, is this typo?
No, it’s not.
‘Pottering around’ means the exaxt same thing
as ‘puttering around’.
They both mean moving around without hurrying,
in a relaxed and pleasant way,
doing things here and there.
I had a nice day pottering around the house.
The article I was reading was about beekeeping,
and what it used to be.
“men in veils pottering around a few hives under the trees” 「ベールをかぶった男たちが、木陰で蜂の巣を囲んでいる。

Puttering around.
Pottering around.

typo [táipou] タイプミス
putter around うろつき回る、ブラブラする
= potter around
