英会話 feel English 23/10/17(火) L106 I feel -.

英会話 feel English 23/10/17(火) L106 I feel -.
I feel… を使えば、 自分の気分から体調まで、キモチを繊細に表現できます。
Phrase Rank No.87
自分の気分や体調を伝えたいときの I feel -.
Thelma and Emily are going out to eat tonight. But work made Thelma late getting home.
テルマと食事に行く予定のエミリー。 仕事で遅くなったテルマが帰ってきます。
(Emily plans to go out to dinner with Thelma. Thelma comes home late from work.)

work went late
take a shower
gross 体調が悪い、気持ちがわるい (二日酔い、船酔い) [gróus]
What’s the rush? なぜ急ぐの?

Are you ready to go to dinner?
I need to take a shower first. I feel gross.

I feel gross.

(Thelma was planning to go out to dinner with Emily, but she got home late.)
帰ってきたばかりのタイミングでエミリーに 「出かけられる?」と聞かれたので、 「汗で不快だから先にシャワー浴びさせて」(Just when I got home, Emily asked me if I could go out, and I said, “I’m sweaty and uncomfortable, so let me take a shower first.”)
というキモチで | feel gross. と言っています。このように I feel の後ろに形容詞を置くと

-Feel English! 2
「申し訳ないな」と感じたときの I feel bad about -.
Emily and Olivia had planned to go to the movies together. But Emily suddenly became sick and had to cancel.
(Emily and Olivia were planning to go to the movies, but Emily suddenly became ill and had to cancel.)
