英会話 feel English 23/10/4(水) one of –

英会話 feel English 23/10/4(水) one of –
one of … は 「・・・のうちの1つ」という意味。
-Phrase Rank No.27
「5本の指に入るほど・・・だ」と絶賛したいときの one of + 最上級
Emily and Paul have just finished their hamburgers for lunch and they’re very satisfied.
(Emily and Paul look satisfied after finishing their famous burger lunch.)

Same here.

Wow. Amazing!
That was one of the best burgers I’ve ever had!
Same here.

That was one of the best burgers I’ve ever had!

(Paul and Emily were very satisfied with their burger lunch.)
エミリーが、 今までのバーガーで5本の指に入るほどのおいしさだった、
(Emily said it was one of the best burgers she’s ever had.)
というようなキモチで one of the best burgers と言っています。
one of … は 「…の1つ」という意味ですが、 よく最上級の前に置いて、 絶対1位とは言わないまでも、「5本の指に入るほどだ」 と絶賛する意味を込めたいときに使います。

-Feel English! 2
「ついてない日だ」と言いたいときの one of those days
Thelma has had problems all day at work, and is really tired. Then Shawn drops by.
テルマは職場で朝からトラブル続きで疲れ切っています。 そこへショーンがやって来ます。
(Thelma is exhausted from a series of troubles at work since the morning. Shawn comes there.)

one of those days 何をやってもうまくいかない日
caramel latte
You didn’t! まさか!
Can you believe it? I won the lottery!
You didn’t.
Yes, I did.
