英会話 feel English 23/11/6(月) L113 used to –

英会話 feel English 23/11/6(月) L113 used to –
Phrase Rank No.16
「今は違うけど、 かつてはね・・・」 と言いたいときの used to …
Emily is reading intently in the dining room, when Thlema comes in.
エミリーがダイニングで読書にふけっていると、 テルマがやってきて話しかけます。
(While Emily is reading in the dining room, Thelma comes and talks to her.)

Totally. まったくだ。 そのとおり。

Nice. I should read more. I used to read every day.

I used to read every day.

-Feel English! 2
「懐かしい!」という気持ちを込めた used to …
Olivia and Emily are watching TV together. Emily changes the channel and catches an old-time favorite children’s program.
(Olivia and Emily are watching TV. When I changed the channel, a nostalgic children’s program came on.)

used to -,
theme song テーマソング

I love this show!
Oh? You’ve seen it?
Yes! I used to watch it all the time with my parents.
