英会話 feel English 23/6/28 L47 I wish I could.

英会話 feel English 23/6/28 L47 I wish I could.

1). 残念な気持ちを表したいときの I wish I could.
Emily is going on a summer getaway with her family. And she is inviting Thelma to join them.

summer gateway 夏の休暇. gateway 短期休暇、逃走、逃亡

(Emily and her family go to Hampton, a summer resort on the outskirts of New York.
She invites Thelma too…)

That’s too bad.
Don’t worry.
make sure to –

I wish I could.

家族と避暑地に行くエミリーがテルマを誘います。 でも、 テルマはその期間仕事があります。行きたいけど行けない、そういう残念なキモチを込めて
(Emily, who is going to a summer resort with her family, invites Thelma. But Thelma has a job during that time. I want to go but I can’t go, with that kind of disappointing feeling)

I wish I could. と言っています。 I wish は 「・・・を願う」という願望を表し、その後ろには、現実には実現の可能性がない、または低いことが来ます。

Meow, do you play the piano?
No, but I wish I could.

2). 言い訳をしてうまく断るときの I wish I could…
Emily got a call from Olivia, who is going to move this weekend.
(Emily and Olivia are talking on the phone.)
