英会話 feel English 23/7/5 L51 I don’t know what [how]-

英会話 feel English 23/7/5 L51 I don’t know what [how]-
I don’t know は単独で使うだけではもったいないのです…..
I don’t know what [how]
1). 「どう・・・したらいいのかわからない」と言いたいときの I don’t know what …
Paul and Emily are at a cafe having coffee. Emily suddenly surprises him with a gift.
(Paul and Emily are having tea at a cafe. Emily suddenly takes something out on the table.)

I got you something.
fountain pen 万年筆
what to say

I thought you could use it for your writing.
I don’t know what to say, Emily.

I don’t know what to say, Emily.

エミリーはポールに、小説を書くための万年筆をプレゼントします。 ポールはうれしくて、言葉に詰まってしまいます。
(Emily gives Paul a fountain pen to write a novel with. Paul is overjoyed and at a loss for words.)

2). 「信じられな~い」と言いたいときの
I don’t know how…
Thelma and Emily are at a restaurant. Getting ready to pay for their dinner.
(Thelma and Emily are about to pay for dinner at a restaurant.)

bill 請求書、会計伝票
make money お金をもうける
