基礎英語1 23/6/30 L60 Review

基礎英語1 23/6/30 L60 Review
Hi, guys -.  It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have a lot of fun.
And improve our English. Level 1.
Let’s get started.

Happy Friday.
Let’s review this week’s lessons.
OK. Are you ready?
L60 review. Listen and remember.
First let’s listen to this week’s stories.
-Questions about the Story
1 What can Fiona read anytime?
2 Does the tanuki like American music?

-Key Points of the Week
This is my special collection.
my, your his her its
Q). あなたのお姉さんとわたしの兄はクラスメートです。
That’s our hairdresser.
our, your , their
Q2). わたしたちの町には8つの中学校があります。
