ラジオ英会話 23/6/30 L60 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 23/6/30 L60 今週の Review
Hey, everyone. Thanks for joining us. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to the review.
And I’m David Evans. It’s Friday. And you gotta get down on Friday. Let’s begin.
-今週のReview. Listening Challenge!
ダイアログを聞いて質問に答えよう。放送では、今週のダイアログの内容について英語の質問と3つの選択肢が流れます。 ダイアログと質問、選択肢を聞き取って、 答えてみましょう。
(Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. During the broadcast, an English question and three choices will be played on the content of this week’s dialogue. Listen to the dialogs, questions and choices and try to answer them.)

Hi. OKay, guys. Here is the question.
Q1). What does Renji think about the idea of becoming a history professor?
a). He is not interested.
b). He is considering it.
c). He has already made up his mind to become one.
Here we go.

Okay. Q2). Why is the girl wearing sunglasses?
a). Because it’s too bright.
b). Because she wants to be fashionable.
c). Because she doesn’t want to show her eyes.
Listen up.

So, speaking of misspelling names, you know, whenever I write Ohnishi-Sensei’s name, I wanna write Ohzake-Sensei. 大酒
Ha, ha, ha.
Really, I always type, it was Ohnishi, so I wrote small west all the time. 小西
No, it’s big west like Big West Coffee. 大西,
Oh, is that what that’s from? そこから来てた?
OK, OK, whatever. なんでもいい
