基礎英語1 23/6/6 L42 わたしのヒーロー

基礎英語1 23/6/6 L42 わたしのヒーロー
Hi, guys -.  It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have a lot of fun.
And improve our English. Level 1.
Let’s get started.

How was the last
Fiona and her
Mona and Harry
It was nice

Now start today’s lesson.
-First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
-Today’s Scene
フィオナがリビングに入ると、 けんとがソファーに横たわって本を読んでいました。
(When Fiona entered the living room, Kento was lying on the sofa reading a book.)

No way.

-Next find the answer to the question. Second Listening
Q). フィオナはだれが自分のヒーローだと言っていますか?
(Who does Fiona say is her hero?) 日本語で答えましょう。

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember. Don’t look at your textbook.
