基礎英語1 23/7/6(木) L64 夏休みの長さ

基礎英語1 23/7/6(木) L64 夏休みの長さ
It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have lots of fun.
And improve our English.
Let’s get started.

How was the last episode, everyone?
Fiona asked Shota, “How do you train in this weather? It’s so hot!”
Shota said, “I know.”, and asked Fiona, “How’s summer in Portland?”
She answered, “It’s really nice. A little hot, but not humid.”
Now let’s start today’s lesson.

-First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
けんととフィオナは、学校に行く途中、 夏休みについて話しています。
(Kento and Fiona are talking about summer vacation on the way to school.)

How long -?

-Next find the answer to the question.
Second Listening
Q). けんとは、「あなたは3か月間、 何をしますか?」 を英語で何と言っていますか?
(What does Ken mean in English, “What are you going to do for the next three months?”)

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember. Don’t look at your textbook.
