基礎英語2 23/10/27(金) W4-D5 Halloween

基礎英語2 23/10/27(金) W4-D5 Halloween
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

October Week 4 – Halloween Day 5
Weekly Conversation
Listen to this week’s conversations and answer the following questions in English.
Q1 Has Leo been celebrating Halloween since he was little?
Q2 What kind of costume did Kenta and his friends wear?

-Let’s check the answers.
-Check the answers.  Answers to the questions
Q1 Has Leo been celebrating Halloween since he was little?
Q2 What kind of costume did Kenta and his friends wear?

-First Read-through
Read Jenny’s email for the main points.
ジェニーはシンガポールにいるサラにメールを書いています。 主なポイントをつかみましょう。
(Jenny is writing an email to Sarah in Singapore. Let’s get to the main points.)
1 Did Jenny have a good time on Halloween?
2 Why was Jenny happy?

-Words & Phrases
have a good time
enjoy myself 楽しく過ごす
prepare for -, 〜のために準備する
dress up as –
attach 添付する

-Second Read-through
Listen carefully and repeat.
