基礎英語2 23/7/14(金) W2-D5 Summer Plans

基礎英語2 23/7/14(金) W2-D5 Summer Plans
I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

July Week 2-Summer Plans Day5
Weekly Conversation
Listen to this week’s conversations and answer the following questions in English.

-Check the answers. Answers to the questions
1 Where did Haruna visit after going camping?
2 Did Jenny want to have some shaved ice in Kamakura?

-Answers to the questions
1 She visited her grandparents in Shimane. (陽菜は島根の祖父母のところを訪れました。)
2 Yes, she did. (はい、ジェニーは食べたかったです。)

-First Read-through
Read Jenny’s email for the main points.
ジェニーはシンガポールに一時帰国し、 日本にもどってきました。 そしてシンガポールにいるいとこのオリビアにメールを書きました。 (Jenny returned to Singapore temporarily and returned to Japan. I wrote an email to my cousin Olivia in Singapore.)
主なポイントをつかみましょう。(Let’s get to the main points.)
1 In Jenny’s opinion, what is Singapore’s strength?
2 What did Jenny and Haruna see in Kamakura?

-Let’s check the answers.
1 In Jenny’s opinion, what is Singapore’s strength?
2 What did Jenny and Haruna see in Kamakura?

The answer is ” It’s diversity.” (シンガポールの強みは、多様性です。)
The answer is “They saw the Great Buddha.” 大仏を見ました

-Words & Phrases
have a really great time
in my opinion わたしの意見では
strength 強み 〔長所〕, strong 形容詞adjective の名詞形
diversity 多樣性
huge とても大きい、巨大な
cool down 冷やす
