中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/14(火) T16-D2 Should you follow your dream or be realistic?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/11/14(火) T16-D2 Should you follow your dream or be realistic?
Should you follow your dream or be realistic? Day 2
イラストを見ながら、 今週のダイアログを聴いて、 Mikaの考えを詳しくみていきましょう。
Q1. What is Mika’s dream?
Q2. What does Mika do to try to reach her dream?
Q3. Is there something that your teachers or your parents always tell you?

-What would you say?
今週のトピックについて、 英語で話すために役立つフレーズとさまざまな言い換え例をご紹介します。
Topic: Should you follow your dream or be realistic?
→「夢を追うほうがいいと思う場合」に使えるフレーズをご紹介します。 You should follow your dream. に続けて言ってみましょう。
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
willは「何かを行うための強い思い」 を表し、 Where there’s a will, there’s a way. は 「強い意志があれば、道は開ける」という意味の慣用句です。
You can do anything if you try hard enough.
Reach for the stars.
Set your goals high. と同じ意味で、 「目標を高く持とう」と言いたい場合に使えます。
学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Should you follow your dream or be realistic?
-Open-ended Question
あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
If you had a dream, would you tell people about it, or would you keep it a secret?

have a talk
to talk or discuss
go after
to follow
you got all three points right
= all three of your answers were correct
keep it a secret
to not tell anyone about it
a strong word
a word that expresses something in a way that might upset people

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first question: What is Mika’s dream?
What is Mika’s dream?
Mika’s dream are lawyer, TV newscaster, and making documentary films.
Mika’s dream is to become a lawyer. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.

So, the answer is: She wants to become a lawyer and a TV newscaster and make documentary films. So, Riku, you got all three points right. Good job.
Everyone, let’s try saying the answer: She wants to become a lawyer and a TV newscaster and make documentary films.
Very good.
Great. All right. Let’s move on to the next question.
First, listen to this.

So, here’s the question: What does Mika do to try to reach her dream?
What does Mika do to try to reach her dream?
Mika sets goals and makes plans.
Very nice. The answer is:
She sets goals and makes plans. Riku, your answer was perfect. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer: She sets goals and makes plans. Good!
Nice job. Okay. Now, here’s the next question.
Mika’s father always tells her, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This means if you really want to do something, you will find a way to do it. We’ll talk more about this later in the show. So, the question is:
Is there something that your teachers or your parents always tell you?
Is there something that your teachers or your parents always tell you?
My parents always tell me, “You always play video games. You have to study!”
Uh-huh. Yes.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I understand.
Hannah, what about you?
One thing my father used to tell me is that you don’t have to be perfect, but it’s important to keep growing.
That’s a great message.
