中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/6/12 T6-1 Which would you choose something stylish or practical?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/6/12 T6-1 Which would you choose something stylish or practical?
イラストを見ながら今週のダイアログを聴き、 おおまかな内容を理解しましょう。
どんな単語や表現が聴き取れましたか? 書いてみましょう。
(Listen to this week’s dialogue while looking at the illustrations to understand the general content.
What words or expressions did you hear? Write them down.)
-New Words, New Phrases
It’s not the end of the world.
That’s what you think.

登場人物の立場を理解するために、 ダイアログに関する質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. Does Mika want to be stylish or practical?
Q2. Does Dad want to be stylish or practical?

-Conversation Strategy
会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は「相手の言ったことを確認するときの表現」です。
What did you say?
相手の話が聴こえなかったとき、 友だちや家族など、 親しい人に使えます。 そのほかの人には Excuse me? を使いましょう。
You might need what?
聴こえなかった部分だけを確認したいときや、驚いたときに使えます。 その対象によって what, where、 when, who, why、how を使いましょう。

nice to look at
material used for making clothes
smaller than usual and taking up very little space
[US]《形》kəmpǽkt | kɑ́mpæ̀kt 《動》kəmpǽkt 《名》kɑ́mpæ̀kt | [UK]《形》kəmpǽkt | kɔ́mpækt 《動》kəmpǽkt 《名》kɔ́mpækt、
seeing things as they really are
I won’t
= I will not (look great)
to cause pain
slide down
to slip off
the words spoken by someone such as an actor in a play or a film
the time you spend away from school or work; vacation, holiday
take a closer look at
to look at and think about something more carefully

♪Topic 6, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic.
This week’s topic is: Which would you choose, something stylish or practical?
Which would you choose, something stylish or practical?
Stylish or practical?
Hmm. Riku, do you know the word “stylish”?
Yes. “Stylish” is “cool.”
Oh, yeah.
“Stylish” means “fashionable” or “attractive.” So, yes, l ike “cool.”
Mmm, exactly. If you’re stylish, it means your style is nice. You look good.
Mm-hmm. Your clothes are beautiful. Your hair looks great. You know how to look good.
Yeah. And things can be stylish, too.
Right. You might have a stylish bag or a stylish smartphone.
Mm-hmm. Riku, do you have anything that is stylish?
I have a stylish hat.
A stylish hat. Ooh, nice. Very cool.
Now, what about the word “practical”?
Ah, yes. Riku, do you know the word “practical”?
I don’t understand “practical.”
Okay. A practical thing is something that’s useful orjust right for what you want to do.
Okay, thank you.
You’re welcome.
