中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/6/5 T5-1 Where do you like to sit in class?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/6/5 T5-1 Where do you like to sit in class?
イラストを見ながら今週のダイアログを聴き、 おおまかな内容を理解しましょう。
どんな単語や表現が聴き取れましたか? 書いてみましょう。
(Listen to this week’s dialogue while looking at the illustrations to understand the general content.
What words or expressions did you hear? Write them down.)

-New Words, New Phrases
(Words and expressions that are key to understanding the dialog.
Check the box if you understand the meaning and usage.)

focus on

登場人物の立場を理解するために、 ダイアログに関する質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. In the classroom, where does Mika like to sit?
Q2. In the classroom, where does Rumi like to sit?

-Conversation Strategy
会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は、 「追加で何かを聞きたいときの表現」

What do you like about X?
What’s so good about X?
Xについてよく思っていない場合に 「Xのどこがいいの?」と聞きたいときに使えます。

able to change depending on the situation
far away
at a far distance
fall asleep
to go to sleep
pass papers back
to give papers to the student behind you
to dislike strongly
have your eyes checked
to ask someone to check your eyes
wonderful, fascinating, enchanting
horror movies
movies in which very scary things happen, often featuring ghosts, monsters, zombies, etc.
(a pair of) glasses

-♪Topic 5, Day 1.
One thing before we start. Don’t worry if you don’t catch every word. That’s okay. If you keep listening, you will understand more and more. Now, let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic.
This week’s topic is: Where do you like to sit in class?
Where do you like to sit in class?
I think we all might have a favorite place to sit when we go somewhere. For example, when I ride on a bus, I like to sit next to a window near the front.
Hannah, Riku, when you ride on the bus, do you have a favorite place to sit?
Anywhere is fine.
Mmm. “Anywhere is fine.”
That’s very flexible.
I like to sit near the back of the bus, actually.
I’m not sure why.
That’s interesting. Sometimes, do you go to a movie theater to see a movie?
Oh, yes.
And when you go to the theater, do you have a favorite place to sit?
Oh. I like to sit right in the middle of the theater so that I’m not too close or too far away.
I see. How about you, Riku?
I like to sit in the middle.
In the middle?
