中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/1(火) T9-D2 What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/1(火) T9-D2 What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?
What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?
Day 2
Q1. Why does Mika say she solved the problem with her eyes?
Q2. What does Mika think will happen if she keeps up with her eye exercises?
Q3. If you had a problem like Mika’s, what would you do?

-What would you say?
今週のトピックについて、 英語で話すために役立つフレーズとさまざまな言い換え例をご紹介します。
Topic: What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?
Some good points are that it’s fast and convenient, and you can get the latest information.
Online, I can get thousands of opinions from all over the world.
学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
What are the good points of getting information on the Internet?
-Open-ended Question
あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
When you search on the Internet for information, about how many sites do you usually check?

= Mika’s problem
= contact lenses
outside of Japan
a book that tells you how to use something
an activity that someone does for pleasure at leisure
usually, in most situations
get her eyes checked
=have her eyes checked

Now, let’s take a look at Mika’s thoughts. We’ll ask you some questions. Try to say your ideas out loud. Don’t worry about mistakes.
Here’s the first question: Why does Mika say she solved the problem with her eyes?
Why does Mika say she solved the problem with her eyes?
Because she found eye exercises online.
Mmm, okay. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.

-from the Dialogue
I’m working on my idea for the video club. But could you get these for me?
Almonds, blueberries, rock sugar…
They’re good for the eyes.
Mika, about your eyes…
Don’t worry, Dad. I’ve solved that problem. I’m doing eye exercises. I found them online.

The question was: Why does Mika say she solved the problem with her eyes? And one way you could answer is: Because she found eye exercises on the Internet.
Riku, you said “online.” “Online” means “on the Internet.” So, your answer was perfect.
Another way to answer might be: Because she found foods that are good for the eyes.
If you said any of these, you did a great job.
Mm-hmm. Everyone, let’s try saying the first answer together. Because she found eye exercises on the Internet.
