ラジオ英会話 23/8/1 (火) L82 発言タイプ:引き出す②「意見」を引き出す

ラジオ英会話 23/8/1 (火) L82 発言タイプ:引き出す②「意見」を引き出す
(Somehow I can’t throw it away).
(Avocado seeds are so big it’s a waste. I put it on the veranda, but I wonder if it will grow.)
Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. I must have that 100 times myself.
Oh, really?

Lesson 82 発言タイプ: 引き出す②「意見」を引き出す
What do you think?_
相手の意見を上手に聞き出したいことはよくありますね。 いくつかの重要な言い回しを覚えておきましょう。
(We often want to hear the other person’s point of view. Let’s remember some important phrases.)
デスパレート・ラッツのリードボーカルであるビル・バンガローが、 新曲の感想をほかのメンバーに求めます。 マネジャーのシンシアはちょっと辛口の評価ですよ。
(Desperate Rats lead vocalist Bill Bungalow asks the rest of the band for their thoughts on the new song. Manager Cynthia is a bit harsh in her evaluation.)

-Words & Phrases
night owl 夜型人間、夜更かしする人, morning person
[ául] フクロウ梟
share (自分の考えやニュースを)伝える
anyway それはそうと、ともあれ
To be honest
on purpose わざと、 意図的に

All right, everyone. It’s time for the practice. Roza, what would you (should we) focus on today?
Well, I’d like to focus on the different ways of saying these sentences.
First, there’s a neutral way. We’d like to hear your opinion. Then there’s another way to emphasize “you.” We’d like to hear YOUR opinion. This “your opinion” gives a nuance of contrast. Other people have said their opinion. Now we want to hear YOUR opinion. Keep that in mind. You don’t have to use it with every sentence. But that’s an option.
Excellent point. All right, guys. Let’s begin.
